Whilst the building works for Stage 1 was nearing completion, we had set our sights on the next Stage, which is much larger in scope including the demolition and rebuild of the Wharekai and upgrade of the Wharenui as well as surrounding landscape works. We engaged architects Salmond Reed, who have both worked on marae projects as well as the Foundation North head office in Auckland which gave us a lot of confidence in ability. The original masterplan concept developed by TOA Architects remains in place for the project and drives our overall plan taking in a very strong Maori world view in its design and depth of concept.
The design phase for Stage 2 was a robust process which tackled the extensive brief that was determined through the original wananga series where we imagined our 100 year vision for our marae. The wharekai design itself was of great interest to many to ensure we had a functional layout that would be fitted with appropriate equipment to future proof our kitchen for years to come. This also included information gathered from our hikoi to Whakapara, Ngaiotongo and Otiria Marae which everyone agreed was a highly successful part of our planning process in determining our wharekai layout in particular.
Stage 2 build focusses on the architecture of the new wharekai, as well as the relocation and minor upgrade our wharehui. As well as the landscaped areas and pathways that will really transform Whakapaumahara Marae and raise our marae to meet our dream of a site built to last 100 years and beyond. Stage 2 Design commenced 25th June 2019. An application for build funding with Foundation North and DIA, Oranga Marae was made in December 2019. Funding approval by both organisations was provided in April 2020. Building work commencement was delayed due to Covid-19 restrictions. The main contractor, Guyco was formally appointed in November 2020 and the Marae is currently in construction with the marae itself closed for use. The contractor has possession of the site for the duration of the Stage 2 build estimated to be completed March 2022.
The 2019-2020 period was a combination of great success in reaching project milestones but also marred by periods of slow progress as we were impacted by the Covid-19 Pandemic. The pandemic delays pushed our Stage 2 works out months beyond our anticipated start. Despite these delays though, we used the time well to refine the design and have recently made positive steps forward in the redevelopment project as is clearly visible on site now.
me Te Arohatanga
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