PROJECT Progress


 Following approval of the Masterplan the fundraising efforts increased. In late 2017 a funding application was made to Foundation North, they granted a contribution to the Stage 1 works in May 2018. The balance of funds was sought from Lotteries Marae Heritage, this grant was also successful.


Construction of Stage 1 started in January 2019. This involved the new potable water and sewerage systems being installed and lastly the demolition and rebuild of the ablution block. Stage 1 took 8 months to complete and went relatively smoothly from a construction perspective. Completing this Stage was an enormous milestone and achievement for all. The stage was managed well, both on site and contractually and we manged to come in under budget, returning approximately $70,000 back to our lead funding group, Oranga Marae


The formal opening of the new whareiti, which also represented the total completion of Stage 1, was held with a kawanga whare at dawn in September 2019. Aperahama Edwards attended and performed our karakia. It was a beautiful morning and many whanaunga attended to bless our new ablution block. Alongside the Project Management Team our Chairman Takaparai Waata and Allan Moore attended all site construction meetings and ensured close communications were always maintained between all the relevant parties.

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