Ko Te Whānau Whero, Ngāti Rehua me Te Akitai ngā hapū
Ko Pīpīwharauroa te maunga ki tua
Ko Onekainga te maunga ki tai
Ko Te Wairahi te awa rahi
Ko Whakapaumahara te marae
Ko Māhūhū-ki-te-rangi rāua
Ko Mataatua ngā waka
Ko Te Whānau Whero, Ngāti Rehua me Te Akitai ngā hapū
Ko Ngātiwai te iwi whakaruruhau
Our marae is for the primary benefit of our hapū, Ngāti Rehua, Te Akitai and Te Whānau Whero and the wider community.
Over the past 60+ years a range of activities have been supported and hosted
- work schemes, kohanga reo, tamariki programs, wānanga, training sessions, meetings, celebrations, and tangihanga. The sole purpose of these activities, are to advance the cultural, economic and social wellbeing of our whanāu and community.
me Te Arohatanga
Ngā akoranga tūpuna ēnei
E kore rawa e mimiti ei
E kore rawa e mimiti ei
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